Both diets agree on the "increase vegetables and fruits" method, but the major difference is in the comsumption of carbs and fats. Ediets will allow carbs, as long as they are whole grain but stringently limit the fats that you take in. Perfect Weight America goes the exact opposite way: completely limited carbs and fats are okay. I get so frustrated with this mess. What is the truth? They stand diametrically opposed to one another and I feel like the standard diet is not the way to go. However, it is the common way to go and it has worked for a lot of people, including myself. At the very least, it deserves a fair fight and my total commitment. Losing weight the "bad" way is still losing weight. In six months or so, I can always go to PWA if I want, right?
Anyway, I have not been committed enough over the last two days and I know that. I have been trying, but not hard enough. I need to see junk food as the enemy, trying to steal away my life and happiness. We rant and rave at the government when they do tiny things to interfere, why do I give in to food so readily? My husband made a pan of brownies the night I started my diet and though I know he did it "to get them out of the house" they still stayed in the pan, where I consumed them. Instead of blaming my lack of willpower on myself, I blamed my husband. Not a good strategy. When am I going to assume the blame for my years of bad eating habits?
I am frustrated and not completely okay with this diet strategy but I am willing to give it another shot, even reluctantly. Tomorrow I plan on beginning to keep a food journal where I will post it for your inspection, nightly.
Ediets does a good job of finding "real" foods for you to eat and develops a community to be a part of while losing weight. When it comes right down to it, I've been particular and picky about food all my life. The food on eDiets is not going to kill me as fast as the food I'm currently eating, and that is probably the bottom line. Making a change right now, is essential. I want to run a triathlon. I think that would be cool. I want to be there for my kids. I want to have my sparkle and energy back. I want to feel good about the choices I make on a daily basis.
Hello Kristi! My name is Desiree and I'm with the eDiets Community Forums.
I enjoyed reading your heartfelt blog and I'm so glad to hear that you've taken the step to changing your lifestyle for the better.
Please don't allow yourself to become discouraged. Remember, this is a process - not a race. You must refuse to come down on yourself when you slip up and fall back to old habits. Accept the moment for what it is - a moment that you made an unhealthy decision. Then release it and move on. Staying connected emotionally to the moment will not help you.
I also find that it helps members to list out your goals and to break them down into manageable steps. You do not want to try and change everything all at once to the point that it becomes overwhelming. Although, you do want to take one or two behaviors and make a small change that you can live with until you get used to it. Then make another small change, and then another. Baby steps are the way to go!
I also recommend getting involved in the Community as much as possible. It helps to find other members that share your interests and care about your success, so you don't have to go at it alone.
Take it one day at a time, one step at a time and believe in yourself along the way.
Best of luck on your journey!
How's eDiets going for you??
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