Friday, October 17, 2008

Today's Food Log

I started my day with

1 small Jolly Rancher to dull the taste in my mouth (why didn't I brush my teeth?)
A double portion of Cream of Wheat (made with water), and 4 heaping tsps of brown sugar (it was too much sugar)

As a snack, I had a large bowl of lite ice cream, about 3 1/2 scoops.
I had a large bowl of homemade chili for lunch, it was made with less meat than the recipe calls for and more beans. I think it is pretty healthy (it uses ground beef though)

We were feeling pretty hungry for dinner, and we ended up ordering pizza.

I ate 2 slices of a medium pan pizza with pepperoni, 2 glasses of Mountain Dew, and 3 Chocolate Dunkers...not the high point, but it needs to be documented anyway.

I had planned on drinking coffee and even brewed it, but never drank it...that is good. I had a monster migraine by the afternoon and took 2 OTC Migraine pills, they have aspirin, tylenol and caffeine in them, so they are a veritable health hazard concoction. My goal for tomorrow is to drink more water, any water will be better than today!


Anonymous said...

Hi there. I just wandered across your blog, and thought I would stop to say hello! I have always wanted to start a nutrition blog, but haven't yet. I like the idea of documenting what I eat for all to see, for accountability reasons.

That being said, I don't think you are eating enough protein! You are a busy mom, and you need the protein to sustain all you do throughout the day. Also, your carbs are high, which causes your blood sugar to climb, then drop quickly when your body's insulin kicks in. THis can bring on a tired feeling, and also cause your body to store excess body fat.

Just so you jnow, I went from 257 to 154 eating high protein, lower carbs, and exercising every once in a while. I know it is necessary, but I don't love excercising. I've gained about 10 pounds so I have increased excercising to help get that off.

I hope you don't feel I am overstepping any boundaries. I just want to be helpful!
Good luck to you! I'll be checking back for a progress report!

Mary in TN

Kristi said...

Thanks for your comments! The diet I plan on starting is more or less a high-protein, low-carb diet, but it is not like Atkins or South Beach. I will be using Perfect Weight America, or Maker's Diet. They are just about the same thing (both written by Jordan Rubin). He emphasizes "gut health" and the diet has four phases. The first is pretty strict, very "Atkins-like" in that you are completely restricted from carbs. However, by the end of the diet, you are able to include them, but they never really make up the majority like the "Standard American Diet-SAD" I'll be writing a post about his plan and what exactly I'm doing.

Also worth noting is that this is NOT the diet- I am only writing down everything I eat, good, bad or (as is often the case) ugly. I like watching BBC's You Are What You Eat and one of my favorite parts is at the beginning when they put the food that person ate in a week in front of them. Invariably, it is brown. Then they show what a healthy "detox" would look like, of course that is completely colorful, full of health fruits and vegetables. My keeping track for a week, of my "standard" diet, just to know exactly what junk I am putting in my body. I am contemplating my husband putting together a table for me, but I doubt that we can afford to waste that much food!

Anyway, your comments are completely appropriate, please come back! I will be posting my food logs frequently, so look for the change in diet!

I am with you on exercise, by the way. I am not a very active person and though I enjoy the workout, I rarely get out of the door!

Anonymous said...

I would be very interested in your plan. Even though I have lost weight, I feel like I need to lose the "good food bad food" mentality. I LOVE to bake. Can I seriously think I can live without fresh baked bread for the rest of my life? Um... no. But obviously bread is not a low carb food. Plus I have the rest of my family to think about.

You won't belive this, but I just got the book Perfect Weight, for free at Vitamin Shoppe last weekend. I never even looked at it. I think I will start reading it tonight.

I truly feel like losing weight was the easy part for me. Keeping it off is proving to be much harder.

Well, have a great night! Eat some protein! :)

Mary in TN