Friday, September 26, 2008

What is FISH?

FISH stands for Finally, I'm Seeking Health. I have been curvy all my life. The problem is that where I used to have pretty feminine curves, I now have lumps. Where my shape used to be a nice hourglass, it has now turned to a know, round with a couple of bumps, but ticking off the minutes of my life. Something has to change, and I'm pretty sure that the medical community is not going to find out how to make ice cream healthy or sugar good for you, so it means that my diet is going to have to change.

Of course, changing a diet is not as easy as it sounds. I have read a bunch of good books by Jordan Rubin like The Maker's Diet and Perfect Weight America as well as Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and then Body by God by Ben Lerner. Many of those diets are similar and I like them, but they all go (pretty much) in the face of the Standard American Diet- even the ones recommended by professionals. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do, so stay posted and I'm update...

Either way, what I would like to do for this website is to post pictures of progress, body measurements and my food log (or samples from it...) and just watch what works and what doesn't.